I will not even apply because I don’t have any experience, I will not get it for sure. Sounds familiar?
Probably yes, it’s not that rare statement at all. Just doesn’t it sound like a vicious circle?
Experience will not come by itself. If you want to get it, then I’m afraid applying is just essential.
It may happen that this time it will not be successful. But it is also a helpful experience, at least you will find out how such an application form is filled. Next time, it will be easier to figure out what you want to write about yourself.
Besides… believe me, that also people with even great experience in voluntary work do not always get to the event. Especially when we are talking about important, big events. The Olympic Games, World and European Football Championships, large volleyball events – very often there are more candidates willing to participate than places, so such recruitment failures happen to everyone. And they do not mean that someone is a worse potential volunteer.
Of course, experience is helpful. During recruiting, but also during the activity itself. There are roles in which I believe it is essential. However, there are usually more tasks, and you can adjust it accordingly.
And that’s how recruiters usually look at it. They do not reject just because of inexperience. What counts is also motivation, commitment, experience in other situations (such as education, events at school or university, student exchanges, Erasmus, courses …), knowledge of languages. Experience is one of the criteria, but not the only one.
How can I get rid of such fears?
Try to attend smaller events. Maybe a local running event, maybe a league match? These biggest tournaments have their own rules, but you will already have the basics, you will know what accreditation is, you will get to know the halls or the stadium. And that can also help a lot during the recruitment itself.
If you don’t know the details of the tournament, read on. How many games, how many teams come, it will always help to prepare a little.
If you have training before volunteering or visiting a given arena, be sure to be there.
And when you are there at the event, ask other volunteers. They are mostly very open and cool people and will be happy to help you find yourself in the facility.
Such an application is a maximum of an hour of your time. Maybe it will open up a great adventure for you? Maybe even long term? Everyone started out sometime. As you know, the first step is the hardest! It is worth a try.
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